App Information Request/Transfer - Feature Workflow

This workflow was created to document and share process requirements between the Product and Development teams.
The feature in discussion would allow the user to request information that may not be available immediately in the field.
We needed to further enable and improve the process of requesting and transferring information between the mobile app being used in the field and the web app/database.
Tools Used: Invision Freehand


Sketches and Collaboration

Workflow sketches were used to collaborate in various meetings and one-on-one discovery conversations to gain insight from each team, answer tough questions, and rework requirements based on possible scenarios.


How much to tell the user?

We needed to work through the “how much information is too much” question. By using workflows to present ideas and intended process, we were able to ask the right questions and discuss backend requirements before moving the feature through development.


What happens when the process fails?

Working through every possible success and failure scenario was vital to defining requirements for development and being sure that a user would never encounter an error without proper direction on next-steps.