Enterprise Software, Product-Mapping & Messaging

The Problem: A Complex Product suite with Complicated Messaging. 

Meridium’s risk mitigation software (now GE Digital’s Predix APM) was extremely complex and it’s product
messaging needed streamlined for effective communication. The teams used convoluted workflows and outdated
visuals to explain the product’s usefulness to potential clients and stakeholders.


Project Team: 

Marketing Team, Visual Design Team Lead, and Myself (Product Strategist + Visual Designer)  

Project Phases Completed: 

Product Research, Workflows, Information Validation

Tools Used: 

Pen/Paper (workflow/sketches), Adobe Illustrator (visuals), Microsoft Powerpoint


The Solution: I used complex information to tell an impactful product story. 

I simplified the information being used by cutting out distracting details and designed a messaging piece to anchor
product communication moving forward. I used visuals and minimal verbiage to tell the product story clearly and succinctly.


Why: When representing an Enterprise product, high-level messaging is needed. 

Audiences need to understand the purpose and benefits of a product quickly. Details are great for training and understanding a product, but it is often not helpful in the early sales process or within executive level communication. Product sales teams and executives need core messaging tools to guide simple and impactful communication. 


How: I studied the process and gave information hierarchy. 

I began with studying workflows to understand the process intricacies. I was then able to give hierarchy to the information and highlight areas of greatest impact within the software’s cycle. These areas of impact, and the “why’s”, became essential pieces in messaging which told the high-level product story. 
